The Students
At the City of Dharma Realm Instilling Goodness Elementary School & Developing Virtue Secondary School (CDR IGDVS), our students come from all cultures and backgrounds. We are committed to providing our students a supportive environment to learn and to excel. We challenge our students to achieve their full academic potential and become exemplary members of society, who contribute to making the world a better place.
A Graduate of our school is expected to possess the following qualities:
Manifest the core virtues of kindness, filial piety, respect, trustworthiness, fairness, citizenship, integrity, and humility:
Cherishes life in all its forms, as a responsible steward of the environment and exercises frugality.
Is a confident, well-rounded person who interacts harmoniously with others and takes responsibility for his or her own actions.
Has developed the skills of a good citizen and explored within himself or herself the complementary qualities of leadership and teamwork through active service to others and volunteering.
Has gained a deep appreciation of his or her own inherent spiritual wisdom through meditation and other spiritual practices and teachings:
​Appreciates and understands the fundamental teachings in Buddhist philosophy and ethics, which will inspire them to follow a life of integrity in accordance with his or her own philosophical or religious beliefs.
Has explored and developed individual academic potential and talents in the humanities, sciences, or arts.
Has developed an enthusiasm for the pursuit of knowledge.
Is prepared for success in college.
Has the ability to think critically and analytically.
Has developed his or her individual creative potential in thinking, expression, and problem solving.
Expresses a multinational, global awareness and understanding; shows an appreciation and respect for a variety of cultures and religions.